Hand sewn quilt

There he was going amidst the spring burst road pavement and suddenly someone holler his name from back. He turned at second loud cry and saw a banyan boulder standing with ages to spare expression on the roadside.  With his hither thither spread branches he was looking more like villan of Pirates of the Caribbean then a meager tree. He crunched his stems,  lifted his chin up along with his bushy branches and hoarsely spat.
"you come you go,  seclusion is the path,  to and fro,  will hang your destiny betwixt, aghast,
Knock the right door and you will be saved,
The left door will send you to your treacherous past
But remember what is safe is a cart laden  of remorse and guilt
And what is for striven is the chance of empty chest and hand sewn redemption quilt.. "
With that the Boulder grunted his heavy rustic breath on the roadside and moved with consciously made efforts towards the park.  And with no further ado,  he went into Park and became tree amid trees.
With eyeful of Boulder,  I was more of awe stricken then of anything much of else.
And he turned in his steps and took one rather heavy step than he had intended.  It seem,  his legs have raised a rebellion against him.  A shore full of rebel ships  was visible at his eye's horizon. His greatest of efforts was bearing sweat on his forehead rather than any fruit of advancement.  He was putting a heart drenching effort to take second step and in result he was more than able to move second to nothing and third to none.  His feet was getting heavy and he can sense there sudden rigid-ness in his body tissues. 
And then with another age spent in lowering down his head to see the reason of his immobile feet,  he gone frozen white in his tracks.
He was becoming a tree boulder. 
He was becoming a banyan tree boulder and with his fingers budding green tranches out of them,  his feet was getting a rock solid maneuver of tree bark.  His legs gave way to age old fat stem and his guts gave way to newly found fear of claustrophobia.  He was becoming a tree and he can do nothing about that.  With whatever movement they done he don't know how but his stems along with his seemingly new roots dragged him over to the side of the pavement and soiled his pants made of newly acquired stem. 
A pulse has been spent and now he was more of a tree then of a human.  His face was comprising of a thick layer of scratched bark and his rest of body had totally transformed into different tree parts. Seemingly, life has come full circle, once the axe holder, is now going to taste the relentless axe himself.


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